Markiert: research

World Lagomorpha Conference in Belfast

When you hear the word hare, the image of a typical long-eared, jumping, small, furry animal comes to mind. However, the taxon Lagomorpha conceals a much greater diversity of animals. In addition to the...

An extraordinary long neck

The neck of Tanystropheus – an extinct reptile from the Triassic – is more than twice as long as the animal’s body. Not only is the neck length unusual, but also the small number...

ICVM 2023 in Cairns, Australia

The International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology ICVM took place in Cairns, Australien. It is one of the most important scientific events for vertebrate zoologists and functional morphologists.It offers an excellent platform to present and...

Marie Curie Individual Fellowship

The European Commission has announced the successful applicants to Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships. The grants are part of the Horizon 2020, the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation. I am extremely honoured...

New project: Grasping biomechanics in primates

Same lab, new project! I’m excited to announce that I started my next postdoc project on the grasping biomechanics in primates. I look forward to work with Dr. Emmanuelle Pouydebat – an internationally renowned...

Associate Editor at Journal of Zoology

I am delighted to have joined the Editorial Team of the Journal of Zoology! The journal received a great number of high-quality applications as a response to their call for Associate Editors. I am...