World Lagomorpha Conference in Belfast
When you hear the word hare, the image of a typical long-eared, jumping, small, furry animal comes to mind. However, the taxon Lagomorpha conceals a much greater diversity of animals. In addition to the...
When you hear the word hare, the image of a typical long-eared, jumping, small, furry animal comes to mind. However, the taxon Lagomorpha conceals a much greater diversity of animals. In addition to the...
The neck of Tanystropheus – an extinct reptile from the Triassic – is more than twice as long as the animal’s body. Not only is the neck length unusual, but also the small number...
Since 1974, paleontologists from Germany and neighboring German-spaeking countries have been meeting annually for the Vertebrate Palaeontology Working Group (Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontologie). In the first two years, the meeting took place as part of the...
The German Natural Science Association for Schleswig-Holstein ( Naturwissenschaftliche Verein für Schleswig-Holstein e. V., NWVSH) offers a diverse program of lectures and field trips for its members and other interested persons. As part of the lecture series...
Birds and crocodylians are the only living members of Archosauria and therefore represent a crucial group to be studied in order to further our understanding of dinosaurs. The book edited by Woodward and Farlow (2023) Ruling...
The International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology ICVM took place in Cairns, Australien. It is one of the most important scientific events for vertebrate zoologists and functional morphologists.It offers an excellent platform to present and...
Classically, diversification of fish is thought to involve an onshore-offshore gradient; i.e., species originate on nearshore environments and later expand offshore in their evolutionary history. Sharks are a group of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) with...
Woodpeckers are well known for their pecking behavior. They hit with their beak on trees for feeding, nesting and also to mark their territory. Enormous forces act on the bird’s body during impact. This...
In collaboration with veterinarians from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, from a practice for small pets as well as from the laboratory for veterinary diagnostics Laboklin, we investigated the changes in hormonal concentration in relation to the reproductive...
The results of a previous study (Böhmer et al. 2018 The Anatomical Record) revealed that certain muscles in the forelimb of the pine marten have a greater force-generating capacity than that of the stone...
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in mit Zielrichtung Habilitation am Zoologischen Institut der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Am Zoologischen Institut der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel ist in der Arbeitsgruppe Zoologie und Funktionsmorphologie der Vertebraten zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine...
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