Markiert: Conference

World Lagomorpha Conference in Belfast

When you hear the word hare, the image of a typical long-eared, jumping, small, furry animal comes to mind. However, the taxon Lagomorpha conceals a much greater diversity of animals. In addition to the...

ICVM 2023 in Cairns, Australia

The International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology ICVM took place in Cairns, Australien. It is one of the most important scientific events for vertebrate zoologists and functional morphologists.It offers an excellent platform to present and...

Research in Museums Mini-Symposium

The „Research in Museums Mini-Symposium“ will be held in Tübingen at the Paleontological collection of the Eberhard Karls Universität organized by PD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg und Dr. Antonio Cordero. The event is kindly supported...

See you at ICVM 2019 in Prague!

The upcoming congress of the International Society of Vertebrate Morphology, to be held in Prague (Czech Republic) from 21-25 July 2019, will host the symposium „The axial skeleton: diversity, patterning and function“ organized by...