Mini-Series in Journal of Zoology

As a result of our ICVM symposium on the axial skeleton, we organized a mini-series of articles in the Journal of Zoology (Böhmer & Buchholtz 2021). Mehta et al. (2020) analyzed fish during locomotion...

New paper: Intervertebral motion in birds

Simulating motion between two vertebrae is particularly challenging because the bones articulate at more than one surface. In our paper, we propose a computational method to estimate the possible intervertebral range of motion in...

SEB 2021 – Virtual conference

From June 29 to July 8, 2021, the virtual conference of the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) brought together researchers from all over the world. More than 900 registered delegates presented and discussed their most...

EAVP 2021 – Virtual conference

This year’s conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP) took place online from July 5-9, 2021. More than 160 participants gathered to attend the virtual event. The programme offered them an opportunity to...

Symposium on macroevolution of form and function

Highly interesting talks and discussions on „Macroevolution of form and function in the mammalian locomotor system: new tools, new insights?“ – a virtual symposium organized by John Nyakatura and colleagues from the Humboldt Universität...

Paleo-bioinspiration Workshop

The virtual paleo-bioinspiration workshop organized by the Natural History Museum (MNHN) in Paris took place in February 2021. The aim of this event was to bring together researchers from all over the world and...

Pushing the boundary?

The giraffe’s iconic long neck puzzled us for centuries! Why is it so special? Almost all mammals have seven vertebrae in the neck, irrespective of the length of their neck. Mouse, dog, human, giraffe...

Project EDDi

EDDi – Evolutionary Dissection of Dinosaurs The vertebral column is a defining feature and a vital body part of vertebrate animals. It is composed of several units – the vertebrae – that are morphologically...