ICVM 2023 in Cairns, Australia

The International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology ICVM took place in Cairns, Australien. It is one of the most important scientific events for vertebrate zoologists and functional morphologists.It offers an excellent platform to present and...

A look into the mouth of sharks

Classically, diversification of fish is thought to involve an onshore-offshore gradient; i.e., species originate on nearshore environments and later expand offshore in their evolutionary history. Sharks are a group of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) with...

Woodpeckers – Tough animals

Woodpeckers are well known for their pecking behavior. They hit with their beak on trees for feeding, nesting and also to mark their territory. Enormous forces act on the bird’s body during impact. This...

Interdisciplinary collaboration

In collaboration with veterinarians from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, from a practice for small pets as well as from the laboratory for veterinary diagnostics Laboklin, we investigated the changes in hormonal concentration in relation to the reproductive...

Stellenausschreibung (AG Böhmer)

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in mit Zielrichtung Habilitation am Zoologischen Institut der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Am Zoologischen Institut der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel ist in der Arbeitsgruppe Zoologie und Funktionsmorphologie der Vertebraten zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine...

Mini-Series in Journal of Zoology

As a result of our ICVM symposium on the axial skeleton, we organized a mini-series of articles in the Journal of Zoology (Böhmer & Buchholtz 2021). Mehta et al. (2020) analyzed fish during locomotion...

New paper: Intervertebral motion in birds

Simulating motion between two vertebrae is particularly challenging because the bones articulate at more than one surface. In our paper, we propose a computational method to estimate the possible intervertebral range of motion in...