
Find here the full list of my publications including articles in peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters, other articles, outreach publications and published conference abstracts. (*Indicates (co-)supervised students. Authors in bold are members of the Böhmer Research group)

Read more about my research projects [here].

Peer-reviewed journals


31. Böhmer C and Ocak D* (2024) Covariation in the craniocervical junction of Carnivora. Journal of Morphology DOI: 10.1002/jmor.70009

30. Winkler DE, Bernetière I* and Böhmer C (2024) Tooth eruption status and bite force determine dental microwear texture gradients in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus forma domestica) The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.2559529

29. Kränzlin M*, Azogu-Sepe I, Pouydebat E, Böhmer C (2024) Do African Savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) show interspecific social long-term memory for their zoo keepers? Zoobiology. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21871

28. Rytel A, Böhmer C, Spiekkan SNF and Talanda M (2024) Extreme neck elongation evolved despite strong developmental constraints in bizarre Triassice reptiles – implications for neck modularity in archosaurs. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.240233


27. López-Romero FA, Stumpf S, Kamminga P, Böhmer C, Pradel A, Brazeau MD and Kriwet J (2023) Shark mandible evolution reveals patterns of trophic and habitat-mediated diversification. Communications Biology. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-04882-3


26. Van Wassenbergh S, Ortlieb EJ, Mielke M, Böhmer C, Shadwick RW and Abourachid A (2022) Woodpeckers minimize cranial absorption of shocks. Current Biology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.05.052

25. Böhmer F, Erber K, Ewringmann A, Klein R, Reese S, Böhmer C, Meyer-Lindenberg A and Walter B (2022) Anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations in female rabbits and its relation to spay status, pseudopregnancy and ovarian follicle numbers. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. DOI: 10.1111/rda.14240

24. Bader C, Böhmer C, Abou M and Houssaye A (2022) How does bone microanatomy and musculature covary? An investigation in the foerlimb of two species of martens (Martes foina, Martes martes). Journal of Anatomy. DOI: 10.1111/joa.13645. [request PDF]


23. Böhmer C and Buchholtz E (2021) Mini-Series: The axial skeleton – diversity, patterning and function. Journal of Zoology. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12927. [PDF

22. Furet M, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Chummun V, Chevallerau C, Cornette R, De La Bernardie X and Wenger P (2021) Estimating motion between avian vertebrae by contact modeling of joint surfaces. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1934676

21. Müller M A, Merten L, Böhmer C and Nyakatura J A (2021). Pushing the boundary? Testing the ‚functional elongation hypothesis‘ in the giraffe’s neck. Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/evo.14171


20. Böhmer C and Böhmer E (2020). Shape variation in the craniomandibular system and prevalence of dental problems in domestic rabbits: a case study in Evolutionary Veterinary Science. Veterinary Sciences 4 (1): 5. DOI: 10.3390/vetsci7040182 [PDF]

19. Wintrich T, Scaal M, Böhmer C, Schellhorn R, Kogan I, van der Reest A and Sander M (2020) Paleontological evidence reveals convergent evolution of intervertebral joint types in amniotes. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70751-2. [PDF]

18. ¹Terray L*, ¹Plateau O*, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Delapré A, de la Bernardie X and Cornette R (2020) Modularity of the neck in birds (Aves). Evolutionary Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s11692-020-09495-w. (¹Equal authorship) [request PDF]

17. Böhmer C, Prevoteau J*, Duriez O and Abourachid A (2020) Gulper, ripper and scrapper: anatomy of the neck in three species of vultures. Journal of Anatomy 236 (4): 701-723. DOI: 10.1111/joa.13129. [request PDF]


16. Puverel C*, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Leban J-M, Svoboda M and Paillet Y (2019) This is my spot: what are the characteristics of the trees excavated by the Black Woodpecker? A case study in two managed French forests. Forest Ecology and Management 453: 117621. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117621. [request PDF]

15. Böhmer C, Plateau O*, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2019) Correlated evolution of neck length and leg length in birds. Royal Society Open Science 6: 181588. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.181588. (PDF)

14. Böhmer C, Fabre AC, Taverne M*, Herbin M, Peigné S and Herrel A. (2019) Functional relationship between myology and ecology in carnivores: do forelimb muscles reflect adaptations to prehension? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (3): 661-680. DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/blz036. [request PDF]


13. Taverne M*, Fabre AC, Herbin M, Herrel A, Peigné S, Lacroux C*, Lowie A, Pagès F, Theil JC and Böhmer C (2018) Convergence in the functional properties of forelimb muscles in carnivorans: adaptations to an arboreal life-style? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125 (2): 250-263. DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/bly123 [request PDF]

12. Böhmer C, Amson, E, Arnold P, van Heteren A H and Nyakatura J (2018) Homeotic transformations reflect departure from the mammalian ‘rule of seven’ cervical vertebrae in sloths: inference on the Hox code and morphological modularity of the mammalian neck. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 84. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-018-1202-5 [PDF]

11. Böhmer C, Fabre A-C, Herbin M, Cornette R, Peigné S and Herrel A  (2018) Anatomical basis of differences in locomotor behavior in martens: a comparison of the forelimb musculature between two sympatric species of Martes. The Anatomical Record 301 (3): 449-472. Special issue on functional morphology (invited contribution). DOI: 10.1002/ar.23742 [PDF]

10. Böhmer C and Rössner G. (2018). Dental paleopathology in fossil rhinoceroses: etiology and implications. Journal of Zoology 304 (1): 3-12. Special issue on paleopathology (invited contribution). DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12518 [request PDF]


9. Böhmer C and Werneburg I (2017). Deep time perspective on turtle neck evolution: chasing the Hox code by vertebral morphology. Scientific Reports 7: 8939. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-09133-0 [PDF]

8. Böhmer C (2017). Correlation between Hox code and vertebral morphology in the mouse: towards a universal model for Synapsida. Zoological Letters 3: 8. DOI: 10.1186/s40851-017-0069-4 [PDF]

7. Böhmer C and Böhmer E (2017). Shape variation in the craniomandibular system and prevalence of dental problems in domestic rabbits: a case study in Evolutionary Veterinary Science. Veterinary Sciences 4 (1): 5. DOI: 10.3390/vetsci4010005 [PDF]


6. Böhmer C, Heissig K and Rössner G (2016). First fossil evidence for dental eruption series and replacement pattern in Miocene rhinoceroses as revealed by macroscopy and X-ray: implications for ontogeny and mortality profile. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 23 (3): 265-279. DOI: 10.1007/s10914-015-9313-x [PDF]


5. Böhmer C, Rauhut OWM and Wörheide G (2015). New insights into the vertebral Hox code of archosaurs. Evolution & Development 17 (5): 258-269. DOI: 10.1111/ede.12136 [request PDF]

4. Böhmer C, Rauhut OWM and Wörheide G (2015). Correlation between Hox code and vertebral morphology in archosaurs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20150077. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0077 [PDF]

2014 – 2009

3. Sookias RB, Böhmer C and Clack J. A. (2014). Redescription and phylogenetic analysis of the mandible of an enigmatic Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous) tetrapod from Nova Scotia, and the lability of Meckelian jaw ossification. PLoS ONE 9 (10): e109717.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109717 [PDF]

2. Prieto J, Groß M, Böhmer C and Böhme M (2010). Insectivores and bat (Mammalia) from the late Middle Miocene Gratkorn (Austria): biostratigraphic and ecologic implications. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 258 (1): 107-119. DOI: 10.1127/0077-7749/2010/0088 [request PDF]

1. Altermann W, Böhmer C, Gitter F, Heimann F, Heller I, Läuchli B and Putz C (2009). Defining biominerals and organominerals: Direct and indirect indicators of life. Perry et al., Sedimentary Geology, 201, 157 – 179. Sedimentary Geology 213: 150-151

Books and book chapters

7. Böhmer C (2023) Bridging the gap between fossils and genes in archosaurs: Molecular backbone of dinosaur necks. pp 100-122 in Woodward HN & Farlow JO (2023) Ruling reptiles. Crocodylian Biology and Archosaur Paleobiology. Indiana University Press.

6. Pascual-Anaya J and Böhmer C (2023) Evolution of cyclostome Hox clusters. pp 121-139 in Ferrier DEK (2023) Hox modules in evolution and development. CRC Press. ISBN 9781003057215. DOI: 10.1201/9781003057215

5. Böhmer C, Theil JC, Fabre AC, Herrel A (2020) Atlas of terrestrial mammal limbs. CRC Press: Boca Raton. 403 pp. ISBN 9781138705906. DOI: 10.1201/b22115

4. Böhmer C (2020). Der Hals als Bioinspiration für technische Innovationen [The neck as bioinspiration for technical innovations]. in Werneburg I and Betz O. Phylogenie, Funktionsmorphologie und Bionik. Texte zum 60. Phylogenetischen Symposium in Tübingen. xx pp, ISBN 978-3-947020-xx-x, Scidinge Hall Verlag Tübingen. [PDF]

3. Böhmer C (2015). Basics of Odontology (Evolution of teeth). in Böhmer, E. Dentistry in Rabbits and Rodents, 288 pp., ISBN 978-1-118-80254-0, Wiley Blackwell, Oxford

2. Böhmer C (2011). Odontologische Grundlagen (Evolution der Zähne). in Böhmer, E. Zahnheilkunde bei Kaninchen und Nagern: Lehrbuch und Atlas, 435 pp., ISBN 978-3794527519, Schattauer, Stuttgart

1. Altenbach AV, Böhmer C, Gitter F, Läuchli B and Wieczorek H (2010). Symbiotic foraminifera and stress. in Seckbach, J. & Grube, M. (eds.). Symbioses and Stress – Joint Ventures in Biology Springer Series: Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, Vol. 172010, X, 490 p., ISBN 079-90-481-9448-3, Springer, Dordrecht

Other articles

6. Böhmer C and Buchholtz E (2021) Editorial – The axial skeleton: Diversity, patterning, and function. Journal of Zoology. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12927 [PDF

5. Müller M A, Merten L, Böhmer C and Nyakatura J A (2021). Pushing the boundary? Testing the ‚functional elongation hypothesis‘ in the giraffe’s neck. MorphoMuseum DOI: 10.18563/journal.m3.129 [PDF]

4. Böhmer C, Fasquelle B, Furet M, Wenger P, Abourachid A (2019). Combining precision and power to maximize performance: a case study of the woodpecker’s neck. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Supplement for the International French Society of Biomechanics 2019 Conference, Poitiers, France. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135. [PDF]

3. Fasquelle B, Furet M, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Chablat D, Chevallereau C and Wenger P (2019). Modelling, design and control of a bird neck using tensegrity mechanisms, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Tensegrity Workshop, Montreal, Canada. [PDF]

2. Böhmer C (2017). Book review – Field guide to prehistoric mammals. Journal of Paleontological Techniques Special Volume March 2017: 1-2 [PDF]

1. Böhmer E, Böhmer C (2016). Anatomie und Evolution des Kauapparates der Lagomorpha (Anatomy and evolution of the masticatory apparatus in Lagomorpha). Continuing Veterinary Education (CVE Kleintier) 2016

Outreach publications

4. Böhmer C, Rössner G (2018). Zahnfleischentzündung, Parodontose & Zahnschmelzdefekt: 16 Millionen Jahre alte Fossilien geben einzigartige Einblicke in die Lebensgeschichte ausgestorbener Nashörner aus Sandelzhausen. Jahresheft der Freunde der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie & Geologie München e.V. 46: 34-39 [PDF]

3. Böhmer C (2017). Einzigartige Spezialisierung des Gebisses beim Kaninchen. Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen dem Gebiss von Wild- und Hauskaninchen? Fachzeitschrift RODENTIA. [PDF]

2. Böhmer C, Heissig G, Rössner G (2016). Unterkiefer eines ausgestorbenen Nashorns (Jungtier) Prosantorhinus germanicus (Wang, 1928). Fossil des Monats April 2016 [PDF]

1. Böhmer C., Heissig G. and Rössner G. (2016). Wie fossile Nashörner zahnten und was uns dies über die Entstehung der miozänen Fossilfundstelle Sandelzhausen sagt. Jahresheft der Freunde der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie & Geologie München e.V. 44: 32-42 [PDF]

Published conference abstracts

Oral presentations

35. Böhmer C, Erichsen A, Pröhl M, Selmer M, Schaar J and Böhmer E (2024) Craniomandibular anatomy in rabbits and its relation to dental disease. Abstracts book: World Lagomorpha Conference (WLC), Belfast.

34. Nyakatura J, Müller MA, Merten LJF, Schüler S, Böhmer C, Sharp A and Wölfer A(2023) Evolutionary morphology of the neck-to-trunk boundary in artiodactyls and the iconic case of the looong neck of giraffes  Abstracts book: International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Cairns (invited symposium contribution).

33. Böhmer C, Erichsen AC, Krapoth PM and Thøstesen CB (2023) Aquatic feeding in pinnipeds: Does the masticatory musculature reflect dietary specializations in grey seals and harbor seals?  Abstracts book: International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Cairns (invited symposium contribution).

32. Sherrat E, Kraatz B, Schaar J, Böhmer C, Ruf I, Sanger T and Geiger M (2023) Morphological consequences of domestication and feralization in rabbits. Abstracts book: International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Cairns (invited symposium contribution).

31. Bader C, Böhmer C, Abou M, Houssaye A (2022) How does bone microanatomy and musculature covary? An investigation in the forelimb of two species of martens. International Symposium on Palaeohistology [Abstract]

30. Böhmer C, Müller MA, Merten L, Nyakatura JA (2021) Long necks, short necks: Form-function relationships in the vertebral column of cetartiodactyls reveal the secret of the giraffe’s body plan. Abstracts book: Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) [Abstract]

29. Böhmer (2021) X-ray vision into palaeopathology. European Association for Vertebrate Paleontology (EAVP) (symposium contribution) PalaeoVertebrata. [Abstract]

28. Böhmer C (2021) 3D fossils, robotics and experimental palaeontology. European Association for Vertebrate Paleontology (EAVP) (organized symposium) PalaeoVertebrata. [Abstract]

27. Nyakatura JA, Müller MA, Merten L, Böhmer C (2021) Analysing form and function of the cervicothoracic transition in cetartiodactyls confirms the ‘functional elongation hypothesis’ of the giraffe neck: Abstracts book: Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB), Virtual meeting. [Abstract]

26. van Wassenbergh S, Böhmer C and Abourachid A (2020) Analysis of the shock absorption paradox in woodpeckers: Abstracts book: Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB), Austin. [Abstract]

25. Böhmer C (2019) He would forget his head if it wasn’t screwed on: The neck as key innovation in tetrapod evolution: Abstracts book: International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Prague (invited symposium contribution)

24. Abourachid A, Cornette R and Böhmer C (2019) The neck of the birds, from form to function. Abstracts book: International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Prague (invited symposium contribution)

23. Puverel C, Abourachid A, Böhmer C, Leban J-M and Paillet Y (2019) This is my spot: characteristics of trees bearing Black Woodpecker cavities. 8th International Woodpecker Meeting, Bialowieza, Acta Ornithologica

22. Böhmer C, Aladini M, Chummun V, Plateau O, Cornette R, Duriez O and Abourachid A (2018) Ripper vs. gulper: biomechanical adaptations in the neck of sympatric vultures. Abstracts book: International Ornithological Congress (IOC), Vancouver

21. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2018) What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in living and fossils birds. Abstracts book: International Paleontological Congress (IPC), Paris

20. Böhmer C, Aladini M, Chummun V, Plateau O, Cornette R, Duriez O and Abourachid A (2018) Ripper vs. gulper: biomechanical adaptations in the neck of sympatric vultures. Abstracts book: Society for Experimental Biology (SEB), Florence

19. Böhmer C (2018) From genes to fossils: investigating the evolution of axial patterning in tetrapods through deep time. Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB), San Francisco [Abstract]

18. Böhmer C, Fabre A-C, Lacroux C, Herbin M, Peigné S, Herrel A (2017) Forelimb musculature, arboreal locomotion, and substrate use in primates. European Federation of Primatology (EFP), Strasbourg (invited symposium contribution)

17. Böhmer C, Fabre A-C, Herbin M, Peigné S, Herrel A (2017) Form-function relationships and the evolution of arboreal locomotion in mammals. European Association for Vertebrate Paleontology (EAVP), Munich (invited symposium contribution)

16. Böhmer C, Rauhut O, Wörheide G (2016) Correlation between Hox code and vertebral morphology in archosaurs. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Washington D.C.

15. Böhmer C (2016). Correlation between Hox code and vertebral morphology in archosaurs. Symposium National de Morphometrie et Evolution des Formes, Paris

14. Böhmer C, Rauhut O, Wörheide G (2016) Correlation between Hox code and vertebral morphology in archosaurs. Young Natural History Scientists Meeting, Abstract Book: 25

13. Böhmer C (2015) Correlation between Hox code and vertebral morphology in archosaurs. Tilly Edinger Preis, ZfB-Scriptum 4: 14-15

12. Böhmer C, Hirasawa T, Kuratani S, Fröbisch N (2014) Development of the vertebral column in amphibians reveals mechanisms for evolutionary transition from water to land. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, 2014

11. Böhmer C, Pascual-Anaya J, Sato I, Kuratani S (2014) Hox genes and evolution of the vertebrate body plan. RIKEN CDB Retreat, 09/2014

10. Böhmer C (2014) Correlation between vertebral Hox code and vertebral morphology: implications for vertebral evolution in sauropodomorph dinosaurs. The International Symposium on Asian Dinosaurs in Fukui, Japan, Program and Abstracts, 2014

9. Böhmer C, Rauhut O, Wörheide G (2013) New insights into the development and evolution of the vertebral column in archosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, 2013: 89

8. Sookias R, Clack J, Böhmer C (2013) Redescription and phylogenetic analysis of a stem tetrapod mandible from the late Carboniferous and its implications for phylogenetics with fragmentary remains. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Barcelona

7. Böhmer C (2012) Evolution of the vertebral column in archosaurs: fossils, morphology and Hox genes. Terra Nostra 3: 35-36

6. Böhmer C (2012) Fossils, genes and the evolution of the vertebral column in archosaurs. Feature auf der Jahrestagung der Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP), Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, 2012: 65

5. Böhmer C, Rauhut O, Wörheide G (2011) Hox code and vertebral morphology in archosaurs. Zitteliana B 30: 12

4. Schneider S, Araujo R, Böhme M, Böhmer C, Erpenbeck D, Prieto J (2010) Fossil and extant Unionidae of Southeast Asia – Species concepts and radiation patterns. Zitteliana B 29: 91

3. Böhmer C, Rauhut O, Wörheide G (2010) Correlation between vertebral Hox code and vertebral morphology: implications for vertebral evolution in sauropodomorph dinosaurs. Zitteliana B 29: 22-23

2. Böhmer C (2010) Sequentieller Zahnwechsel und Mortalitätsprofil von juvenilen Nashörnern aus dem Miozän. Zitteliana B 29: 22

1. Böhmer C, Rauhut O, Wörheide G (2010) Comparative shape analysis of the neck in extinct and extant archosaurs: implications for vertebral evolution in sauropodomorph dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: 61A


9. Böhmer C and Böhmer E (2024) Skull shape diversity in rabbits and the applicability of reference lines for objective interpretation of dental disease. Abstracts book: World Lagomorpha Conference (WLC), Belfast.

8. Golombiewski L, Ocak D, Müller MA, Merten LJF, Nyakatura J and Böhmer C (2023) Investigating the relationship between neck length and vertebral morphology at the cervicothoracic transition in ungulates  Abstracts book: International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Cairns (invited symposium contribution).

7. Rytel A, Böhmer C and Spiekman SNF (2021) Modularity of the neck in Tanystropheidae – insights from geometric morphometrcis. European Association for Vertebrate Paleontology (EAVP), PalaeoVertebrata. [Abstract]

6. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Abourachid A and Cornette R (2018) When development meets mechanical forces: new insights into the morphogenesis of the vertebral column in birds. Abstracts book: 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Montpellier

5. Abourachid A, Plateau O, Cornette R, Van Wassenbergh S, Provini P and Böhmer C (2018) Avineck, the neck of birds, an arm for robots. Abstracts book: Society for Experimental Biology (SEB), Florence [Abstract]

4. Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R and Abourachid A (2018) What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in birds. Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB). San Francisco

3. Böhmer C, Fabre A-C, Herbin M, Cornette R, Peigné S, Herrel A (2016) Form-function relationships and the evolution of arboreal locomotion in mammals, International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Washington, D.C.

2. Böhmer C, Rauhut O (2010) 3D morphometric analysis of the presacral vertebrae of Plateosaurus: implications for vertebral evolution in sauropodomorph dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30 (5): 61A

1. Böhmer C, Moser K, Rauhut O (2009) A comparative morphometric analysis of sauropodomorph necks. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29 (3): 66A