Markiert: biomechanics

Woodpeckers – Tough animals

Woodpeckers are well known for their pecking behavior. They hit with their beak on trees for feeding, nesting and also to mark their territory. Enormous forces act on the bird’s body during impact. This...

Symposium on macroevolution of form and function

Highly interesting talks and discussions on „Macroevolution of form and function in the mammalian locomotor system: new tools, new insights?“ – a virtual symposium organized by John Nyakatura and colleagues from the Humboldt Universität...

New project: Grasping biomechanics in primates

Same lab, new project! I’m excited to announce that I started my next postdoc project on the grasping biomechanics in primates. I look forward to work with Dr. Emmanuelle Pouydebat – an internationally renowned...